Monday, March 20, 2017

Carving stamps using material and tools from the dollar store!

Another day, another video about stamp carving!

In the following video which I recently posted on YouTube, I wanted to give frugal crafters a reason to pick up stamp carving as a hobby - so I headed to a dollar store to see what can be carved on a shoe string budget.  This is not as much as a "how to carve" stamp tutorial as it is showing you what I purchased - and why. I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Without further ado, here it is:

So all told, it was a little over $12 CAD for these stamps.  I wasn't as off put by these erasers as I have been in the past, but there are certainly some erasers that are perfect carving materials - really only limited by their size.

If you'd be interested in a post showing different eraser types - and how they carve! - let me know :)

Happy carving!

Monday, March 13, 2017

How to carve your own stamps: light and magnification

Just to follow up on my previous post about improving your stamp carving, for your viewing pleasure, I have a video up on YouTube to help you see what I'm talking about.  Enjoy!

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