Sunday, May 7, 2017

Coming Soon: the Stamp Maker's Carve Along!

Hello again!

I'm terribly behind in my blogging, with my apologies.  I participated in the Grimsby Wayzgoose recently and definitely want to give you the low down on that, but in the meantime I have been working away at something new for this site that I wanted to share: a carve along!

What it is:

Any time I release a Carve Along, a video will be posted with a new stamp design.  The video will explain how to carve it, along with other tips and tricks.  Members of the Carve Along group will receive a free downloadable copy of the design, along with resources for where to find the supplies used.

Membership is free, and all you have to do is join.  The first Carve Along will be posted soon, so be sure to sign up!

Join the Carve Along!

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